The paper also discussed the quality propagation of project operation, and represented the propagation formula with error rate before and after quantization separately. 并研究了投影运算对正确性评价指标的质量传递影响,定量地给出了传递关系,分别对用量化前后属性错误率进行了表示。
This method of AI is called propagation of error. 这种人工智能的方法称为误差传播。
This paper discusses the energy release of crack and cut in propagation under general boundary conditions and points out that the use of force potential can result in an error under these conditions. 本文讨论了一般边界条件下裂缝扩展的能量释放,指出了此时运用力势概念所能导致的错误。
The detailed propagation formula of the state estimation error and its variance matrix are derived. 详细推导了状态估计误差及其方差阵的传播模型。
The radio wave propagation velocity is slowed and the ray producing bend but to the asymmetry of the atmospheric medium, The refraction error is produced. 由于空中大气介质的不均匀性使得电波传播速度减慢射线产生弯曲,从而产生折射误差。
By simulation, characteristic parameters precision in different scenarios, error propagation matrix and the precision factors of measurement error propagation relation were obtained, and the influence of formation flying satellites spatial state parameters estimate to radical velocity precision was investigated finally. 仿真给出了不同场景设置下的特征量精度、误差传播矩阵和测量误差传递关系的精度影响因子,以及最终空间状态参数估计量对测速精度的影响。
Estimation of the Internal Standard Technique in Chromatography Using Law of Propagation of Error 应用误差叠加原理评价色谱内标法
The non-line-of-sight ( NLOS) propagation is the main source of location error in cellular networks. 非视距传播(NLOS)是蜂窝网定位误差的最主要来源。
The forward propagation and control of measured data error in the networks are analyzed, some solution is presented. 由于测量数据存在误差,所以本文又着重分析了误差在网络中的前向传播与可控制性,首次提出了工程应用中网络的初值稳定性问题。
The essence of back propagation networks is that make the change of weights become little by gradient descent method and finally attain the minimal error. 其实质是采用梯度下降法使权值的改变总是朝着误差变小的方向改进,最终达到最小误差。
Experiments and simulation results show that the inappropriate application of calibrated propagation models leads to larger errors of path loss prediction, with a mean error around 30? 实验与仿真证明,不恰当地校正传播模型可给路径损耗预测带来较大误差,误差均值达30dB以上。
In a grid computing environment, an exception handler should not only reduce the internal propagation of error codes, but also make a transferable function to send the exception to an external unit or a grid service. 网格服务异常处理一方面应尽量减少传统处理单元内部错误代码繁殖的现象,另一方面要考虑服务异常向外部单元或网格服务传送的功能。
On the basis of a BP ( inverse propagation of error) neural network method set up was a 11-23-1 type BP neural network model. 基于误差反向传播(BP)神经网络方法,建立了11-23-1型BP神经网络模型。
Combining the advantages of iterative soft decoding and algebraic decoding and efficiently avoiding the bit error propagation, the proposed scheme is capable of further improving the error correcting performance of turbo codes. 该算法结合了概率解码和代数解码的优点,又有效避免了误差传播的发生,使Turbo码的纠错性能在原经典算法的基础上得到进一步的提高。
According to the property of generating function, the digital feature of the quadratic function of normal stochastic vectors is inferred, and the result is applied to error propagation, the explicit expression of the error propagation formula with regard to the quadratic for non-linear function is obtained. 根据母函数的性质,推导出正态分布向量的二次函数的数字特征,并将结果应用于误差传播,得到了非线性函数顾及二次项的误差传播公式的显式表达式。
The results indicate that the dust concentration has a great influence upon the propagation velocity and combustion velocity of the flame, and the error of calculating laminar burning velocity of the flame for the higher dust concentration system increases. 实验结果表明:粉尘浓度对火焰传播速度和燃烧速度有很大的影响,粉尘浓度过大时,粒子运动轨迹就难观测,用直接法计算层流火焰速度的误差增大;
The hidden layers and characteristic parameters of back propagation ( BP) neural networks are optimized by means of try and error method and the feedback mechanism between training and determination of characteristic parameters. 采用试错法,以及通过建立网络训练学习过程与网络特征参数之间的反馈机制,对BP神经网络隐含层单元数和特征参数进行优化选择。
When it trains BP ( back propagation) network, it adopts the method of piece division and error subsection; 在BP网络的训练中使用了子块分割及误差分段等新方法;
Therefore, we should not only study the generation, propagation and control of hydrologic survey error, but also the theory and method of elimination of contradiction of hydrologic survey results. 因此,不仅需要深入研究水文测量误差的产生、传播与控制,还要研究消除水文测量成果之间矛盾的理论和方法。
Some Discussion on the Propagation of Angles only Data Error in Initial Orbit Determination 初轨计算中角资料观测误差传播的一些讨论
Through analyzing the propagation of the wavefront phase, we obtain the correlation between the wavefront error and system structure parameters, remove the empty system error, optimize the structure parameter, and build up the expression about the tolerance limit of the collimated lens. 通过对波前相位传递情况的分析,得出波前误差和系统结构参量的相关性,去除空腔系统误差,优化结构参量,并建立准直镜误差容限表达式。
The relationship of propagation and received loss of Gaussian beam are studied. The formulas of received optical power and bit error rate are presented, and quantitatively analyzed through numerical method. 对高斯型光束的传输与接收损耗的关系进行了研究,得出了接收光功率和误码率公式,并用数值分析方法进行了定量分析。
By use of covariance analysis technique a propagation equation of the error variances of linear discrete random system is derived which allows to calculate directly the airplane landing precision. And the influence of filtering sensitivity on the airplane landing control is further analysed. 用协方差分析法,推导出可直接计算飞机着陆精度的线性离散随机系统的误差方差的传播方程,并进一步分析了滤波灵敏度对飞机着陆控制的影响。
Then the algorithm of the Tutoring positive signal propagation and error back-propagation of two processes, and in which the signal value deduction, deduction for error analysis and elaboration. 然后对本授导算法中的信号正向传播与误差反向传播两个过程,以及其中的信号值推演、误差值推演进行了分析和阐述。
In order to simply the analysis of the tracking and locating algorithm, the thesis presents an equivalent magnetic dipole model to approximately describe the propagation of the ELF magnetic field. The imitation error is reduced to minimum by the structural optimum design of the emitting coil. 为了便于示踪定位算法的理论分析与工程应用,本文提出了应用等效磁偶极子模型来描述管道环境下的磁场分布,通过对发射器线圈结构的优化设计,有效降低了模型误差的影响。
A nonlinear model for large angle error was deduced to solve this problem. The Euler angles were introduced to present the attitude errors. To achieve accuracy propagation of SINS error model, none little attitude error hypothesis is made. 为此提出了一种非线性大失准角模型,采用欧拉角表示姿态误差,不对姿态误差作任何小角度假设,可以准确描述惯导系统误差的传播规律。
BP ( Back Propagation) neural network, that is, back-propagation of error back-propagation algorithm of the learning process, from the dissemination of positive information and error back-propagation of both the process of composition. BP(BackPropagation)神经网络,即误差反传误差反向传播算法的学习过程,由信息的正向传播和误差的反向传播两个过程组成。
Chapter 4 presents an error back propagation algorithm with quadratic momentum of the multilayer forward neural networks that will speed up the error convergence velocity. 本文提出一种带二次动量项的多层前向网络误差反传算法,提高了神经网络的误差收敛速度。
Based on the analysis of field measurement error sources, this study focused on the propagation and contribution of the remote sensing products error in the process of carbon dioxide exchange across air-sea interface. 本文从现场测量出发,在分析现场测量误差源的基础上,重点分析了遥感产品误差在基于遥感监测的海-气界面CO2通量过程中的传递性和贡献性。
A series of uncertainty propagation formulas of form error items are deducted under the condition of linear evolution model. 推导了一系列线性评定模型条件下有关形状误差项目的不确定度传递计算公式。